Coming soon: A platform for creators, builders, and artists

Coming soon:
RMD is opening an online platform to help businesses, builders, and creators network, facilitate projects, solve problems and answer questions - spreading the word on effective design.
This forum encompasses a wide range of subjects in the art, engineering, and design industries ranging from new materials to design and construction techniques, software, project debuts, industry news, and more. If it's creative, innovative, or requires passion and talent to accomplish, it's perfect for this forum.
Now is the perfect time to set up your account and get in on the ground floor before the RMD Forum debuts. You can easily register your account here using an existing Facebook, Google, or email account. What have you got to lose? This forum is also mobile-friendly, so posting from a phone will be just as easy as from a desktop.
If you have any questions prior to registration, contact me here. Because I want this forum active and ready to go when it launches, contact me if you have a discussion topic you want to start, a project you wish to share, or anything else that can add quality content.
Learn from industry pros
Facilitate collaborations
Find services and talent
Sell on a professional platform
Always free